The purpose of any business portrait, realtor headshot, executive portrait or any other image you use in business is to basically make you money!
So you have decided that you need a new and up-to-date website...that is a wise decision. It's actually a good practice to update/remodel your website once every 5 years or so. Many customers make their purchasing decision based on the quality of information displayed on the website as well as the reviews the vendor has. A website that is not easy to navigate or not attractive will not have much of an effect on the public at large. So basically make the website attractive, to the point and showing one or two of your best reviews on the first page. Also make it easy for your customers to send you a message for more information or a call back. Your phone number should be easily accessible on every page of your website in mobile and desktop mode!
LinkedIn®, Indeed™ and ZipRecruiter™ are some of the best sources for customer to business and business to business interactions! Your headshot needs to look top-notch as people (employers) do judge you by how you present yourself online. It's important that you present yourself as one who would be a valuable asset to the company you seek employment with! A professional business headshot will help you get there!
* LinkedIn®, Indeed™ and ZipRecruiter™ are separate companies with their own trademarks and are in no way related or linked in any way to Nolan Conley Photography or Nolan Conley, Inc.
I have to confess, that one of the most difficult jobs that I've ever had to do is to photograph bikini calendars. I know to some of you it would seem like the best thing since spread butter! However all these bikini girls can wear you out and by the end of the day, and you don't even know the difference between camera and a roll of film! Oh, that's right, we don't use film anymore. So you can see how the girls just work on my mind and I get discombobulated! So you see, this is one of my most grueling jobs.