$200.00 per hour with a 2 hour minimum
$200.00 per hour with a 2.5 hour minimum within the Houston Area* **
This time includes photography and setup/takedown time as required by the job.
*Customer will also pay for extra necessary expenses such as background paper and anything else that is needed to photograph this job specifically.
The job includes one set of non-retouched but color correct digital files. Cleaning up and enhancing images is additional.
$100.00 per hour with a 1 hour minimum required.
FYI, just to let you know, I can get quite a bit of retouching done in an hours time. Mostly this price depends on how many "drop-outs" you want and how much cleaning needs to be done on the images. We can also "paint" some parts, making them a different color or enhance the colors that are already there.
Almost ANYTHING can be done to an image that will be used to represent your company. This ranges from basic cleaning of products to drop-outs to extensive image reconstruction/manipulation. A "drop-out" is where the background is removed and replaced by any color or image. This is done extensively in catalog production. Another area where you can save money is to PLEASE CLEAN the objects and areas to be photographed. Cleaning the floors and getting rid of the trash will help a lot! Especially oilfield and mechanical parts.
**Please call 281-320-8644 for more travel related Information and estimates are available for all jobs.
Call us today at 281-320-8644 and we'll get you and your company going forward with professional commercial photography that will make you money!